Wednesday, April 15, 2009


...It's killer. I am completely serious about that. And I really haven't been writing in this thing- jeez. Sorry about that. But, yeah. The new Green Day album is coming out in MAY. The 16th. That's a month away, and I still have to wait. It wouldn't be so dang bad if they weren't playing all those lovely 'secret shows' in the Bay Area that I won't ever get to see.
But that's okay, too, because I know that Green Day is out and about again and is ready to kick Rock and Roll right in the behind- as it so deserves. *sigh* Why must it always be Green Day to come in and take care of business? Oh well, I'm not complaining. :) I actually broke my own stupid rules a few days ago and watched some of the shows on YouTube. It's not like 20 seconds of music and grainy film footage would ruin anything for me, but I digress. At any right, the music sounds awesome, and I'm completely in love with this song called "East Jesus Nowhere." "Last Night on Earth" also sounds so beautiful- I know that song is going to kill me. Figuratively, of course. But I just want to scream sometimes, because I'm so freaking excited for this album to come out. No one else could probably understand this, but this music means the world to me, and often times it's the only thing that actually makes sense in my life. (Not to mention offering me good advice at times.) It's just going to be great- AND the single of "Know Your Enemy" comes out tomorrow!!!! Whee! Maybe I'll have a little review or something...I dunno.
Each song that I manage to hear or whatever lyrics I manage to write sends a great smile across my face. It's all so cool and hopeful.
And Lord knows we need a lot more hope these days. I can't wait!