Friday, November 21, 2008

Bands You've Never Heard

Anyone could have guessed that I'm a big music fan. I love it. Sometimes I think I don't say it enough (my friends would tell me this isn't true). I like several bands, mainly which stay in the 'genre' of Punk Rock. The only problem with that is the fact that each band has broadened their style and have created new genres. For example, Rancid is more or less an obvious punk band, but they infused their sound with Reggae and Ska rhythms. It sounds pretty freaking cool, in spite of how I described it. I'm not doing the band justice- check them out!
Anyway, I'm a certain kind of fan that not only loves the music but wants to learn why the songs were written and what they mean. The songs already have a meaning to me, but I like learning what it meant to the songwriter, too, and what made them write. I also like to look at the artists that inspired my favorite bands and then check them out for myself. Which leads me to the 'Bands You've Never Heard.'
A favorite one of mine is called Operation Ivy. These guys are like the ultimate Ska-punk band. It's Tim Armstrong's first band, and he later went on to front Rancid. But if you want some good music, LISTEN TO THEM!! The lyrics are amazing, and tell great poignant tales of life in the East Bay, love, music and rebellion. There's also some rage against conformity and all that stuff. If you love punk rock, listen to Op. Ivy. Key tracks: "Knowledge," "Sound System."
Next up is Audioslave. They aren't necessarily an obscure band, but they should have gotten more attention than they did. Tom Morello is guitarist and Chris Cornell is the singer. Awesome, in one word. They're a great band to listen to if you're angry at the world. Key tracks: "Cochise," "Revelations."
The last band I'm going to blab about right now is Pinhead Gunpowder. Great band- seriously. Another East Bay punk band...but they're a more 'traditional' punk band. All the basics are there, the gnashing guitars and angry vocals. Great lyrics, too. They came up during the mid-90s Punk phase, and kind of got lost in all the hype. Check them out if you like Punk!!! They're normally 'angry' and angsty, but when they slow it down, it sounds alright. ;) Key tracks, "Life During Wartime," "On the Ave. (version 2)," "Westside Highway."
I think that's all the bands I want to talk about for right now....I'm sure I'll have more later; In fact, I guarantee that.
LOOK THEM ALL UP! You won't be disappointed.


Benmanship said...

I don't support reading, so I only read the title of your blog and made assumptions on that basis.

I have to say, just because bands are undiscovered doesn't make them so supernaturally amazing.
People might just say they like a band on the underground network just so they can boast on the day when they get discovered. "Yeah man, I totally found these guys way before anyone else, therefore, my musical taste is superior to yours. And I attend a college and ask alot of questions, but really I do not intend to get answers. I just ask deep questions to appear smarter than I am, and really I am closed minded but no one will ever know as long as I sip coffee, wear scarfs, and listen to John Mayer. And by the way, I discovered how stellar John Mayer was way before he got discovered."

I myself stick to what I like. Really I'm just bored listening to Bob Dylan's song Lay Lady Lay. My younger brothers have good taste in music.
HA. And I still haven't read your blog, but don't take offense, I just can't concentrate on that sort of thing right now.

Anonymous said...

At least he's honest, hilts. lol. I won't say anything about punk rock. You already know I don't like it. But, benjamin does have a point there. A band is only super awesome to those who like it. But, that doesn't mean they are. If a friend started singing and asked you how they sounded, you'd probably say something nice. Even though they may sound like a frog that just got run over. So, the same is in the music business. The band is only cool as long as they bring the managers money. But, once they stop doing that, they're racked over the coals. Only the purely Awsesome musicians can withstand the tests of time, because they are that good. Like, the rollingstones, the eagels, beatles, Sting, Vanhalen. They are still played over the radio 30 - 50 years later. Why? beacuse THEY ARE musicians, and will be remembered.
No one cares about the backstreet boys, brittney speares, or even new kids on the block anymore. They were here today, gone tommorow.