Thursday, January 8, 2009


Ugh! The week back from Winter Break is definatley trying on my sanity. I have so much homework to do, especially with exams coming next week. Today I actually have some time to spare, so right now I'm going to gripe about crap to no one in particular....
First, a bunch of exam projects are to be had. English saw me furiously working to comprise my project on Jazz and tie that in with it's African Roots; not as easy as you might think. In Creative Writing, I have to make up a portfolio of all the work we've done this year and then a presentation. Not too hard, really, but it's just one more thing I've got to do. Spanish is what's really making me mad lately. We don't do anything in that class!! I swear to God I sleep with my eyes open. I zone out every day and nothing seems to grab my attention. I've been teaching myself vocab lately, or seeing if I can play a whole song in my head without being called on. (I can, by the way!!) That's how bad it is. I can usually get through two songs without my attention being diverted to something else. So today when we were suddenly dumped-trucked with a bunch of homework, I was like, "Seriously? You're giving us this much crap to do?" It probably won't even be checked in for a grade! And even if it is checked in, we won't get it back 'til freaking March anyway....
....whew. Rant over (for the most part). But it's seriously stupid at times. I know enough about Dia de los Muertos to fill up a book, but when a Spanish person talks to me, I stop and go, "Huh?" Okay.... so I got a little ranty there, but yeah. I'm done. Glad I could find something to blog about. I didn't blog over Winter Break because I was content doing nothing. ;)
But I'm back, for right now. We're getting closer to Inaguaration Day, so yay! I'm excited for that.
Isn't it great to start over at the beginning of the year and have a clean slate?
Yay Optimism!


Riku said...

I know I'm swimming in homework and projects!!! (Figuratively) Spanish class Tee-Hee!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm drowning in the Spanish nonsense too. You seem to have a system for that class though, I don't. I'm going to have to find some way to keep myself busy. I really like our books though. I was thinking maybe what I'd do is either buy a copy or maybe just go through and type out all the grammar stuff like I did for the exam. Maybe all the vocab too. That way, I'll actually learn something! Have you looked in those books? They've got subjunctive, all sorts of se grammar, and more! So maybe we can actually learn something! Goodness, you might as well take the class for independant study, that way you don't have to deal with her. Did you notice how over half of the stuff on that exam study wasn't even on the exam! Rawr! (okay... that was my rant... I'm done now)