Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Do you have the time to listen to me whine?"

Hey. I just would like to state that I'm never 'happy-go-lucky' all the time. There are certain days when I just feel like smashing something against the wall...or whatever.
So, yeah.... I'd like to think that I'm an authority on music, Punk Rock in general, and I think I can safely say that I am one of a lonely minority..... I think my problem is I love music too much. I consider that a good thing, but other people don't understand it. I can't get through the day without music, let alone through the week. To paraphrase Billie Joe, (and yeah, I'm a Green Day freak), "music is what I breathe; it's the blood that flows in my veins; I don't know what I'd do without it." It's pretty much the same with me. If I didn't have my music...I'm pretty sure I would be the most boring person in the world. It just makes me an overall happier person, and makes me more intelligent (or at least sound that way). What people don't understand is why I love it so much. One of my pet peeves, the thing that really cheeses me off, (and boy, I hate how that sounds) is when someone tells me to stop singing a song. Or to shut up about music all together, because no one cares about it. Being the 'rude girl' that I am, I know this shouldn't faze me; I know I should just ignore it, but I can't . It's more frustrating when it's friends that are telling me to shut up. Then I get all melodramatic and think that I'm all alone and blah, blah, blah. I'm probably not, but it certainly feels that way some times.
Is it stupid of me to think about this kind of crap all the time? It comes into my mind often, but usually I just ignore it, hoping I'm just being and idiot. I worry sometimes about not loving music as much as I do now when I'm older. Like, as soon as I hit college I'll become some kind of moron who suddenly regards her punk tastes as 'a passing phase from my teen years.' If that ever happens, I swear I will realize it one day, and slap myself over the head with "American Idiot," respectively. But it's ridiculous to think of all this, isn't it? That won't happen. I'll make sure it won't. In fact, now that I think about it, I won't let it happen. I care too much about this stuff to not care about it in the future. I want to be able to share this music with my friends new and old, use it as a getaway from the drudgery of reality, or even share it with my children later on. Ah, I can just see it now: my little spiky-haired son running about as the Ramones or Green Day blares from the speakers in the living room....
Yeah....writing helps, as always. I bet no one was expecting the post to take that kind of weird turn at the end there, but who cares? I'll just leave it at that. I'm better now.... :) *by the way, the title comes from "Basket Case..."

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