Monday, November 3, 2008

First Assignment: Poems

Hey. I have to type up some of the poems I turned in for my creative writing class. Here's the first one:

Friday Night at Juanita's
The sun sets over the street;
In a convertible car, with the wind in my hair.
There is the smell of rain, the stink of cigarettes that comes
With the flash of light from a match.
A half-moon glows dimly above;
Orange reflects brightly off of white-rimmed sunglasses.
Crumpled papers scratch the sidewalk in a breeze.
Fireflies float about like tiny beacons.
Excited voices buzz together in a dull murmur.
Motorcycles rest in their places, chrome gleaming.
The riders sit atop them, leather jackets loose on their shoulders.
Heavy doors open.
A pool of ruby-tinged light appears on the ground.
The calm has now lifted;
We swarm into the club, a waiting what we traveled so long to see.
Stars glitter and fade above
As music blares throughout the night.

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