Saturday, November 1, 2008

"I Can See the Ledge Now..."

First, I hope everyone had a very happy Halloween! Second, the title of this post takes it's name from one of my favorite songs, "27th Ave. Shuffle," by the Foxboro Hot Tubs. I chose to use this because...the election is right around the corner. I certainly see this as something incredibly important, and certainly historical. This is the first and only election that I have ever followed so closely. I have to say before I continue that I support Senator Barack Obama. I have researched both candidates (awhile ago) and reached this conclusion. I agree with Obama on several issues, and I think he is a likely candidate to run the country. I know that some people may not agree with me on this, but I don't want to alienate anyone who may read this... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, especially on a subject like this.

But I have paid close attention to this race. I am happy to do this though, because I can start to develop myself politically and judge for myself who is next to become president. Some of it is very interesting, and some of it I find completely maddening. I honestly become so angry at certain political figures I feel like beating the crap out of something. The Republican Party is often the cause of such strife. If I'm feeling a bit crazy, I'll watch maybe ten minutes of Fox News and suddenly feel like I have a higher IQ than most of those 'political analysts' the news network holds so high in regard. I could easily turn this post into some insane left wing rant against the Republicans and John McCain, but I won't. But I will say this: JOE THE PLUMBER NEEDS TO GO AWAY RIGHT NOW!!! You were never that important to begin with! I honestly couldn't believe it when I saw him standing next to Sarah Palin, looking all 'righteous' and celebrated, as if he truly believed the campaign cared about him. Wasn't it blatantly obvious to him that they wanted him to gain votes?!! Or did he just do it for the money, which would render the point he was trying to make in the beginning moot? Am I just rambling right now, most-likely becoming too know-it-all for my own good? Hmmm....

All in all...It's just so much to think about, especially for my cobwebby mind. I'm not even sure if I'm supposed to writing stuff like this yet, but I'm sure my teacher won't mind. (I hope)

I guess my main point is this: VOTE. The more people that do this, the better. I don't think it matters who you're voting for, as long as you DO IT. Vote your conscious if nothing else!!! Please! and if the candidates get on my nerves too much, there's always a 'fourth party:' Billie Joe Armstrong. There's a president we need!!!

1 comment:

bekka said...

I want to be able to vote so badly. I miss it by 2 months. I would definitely vote Ralph Nader. I went to see him speak at UT and loved it. Most people I talk to think it's stupid to 'vote for somebody who has no chance of winning' but honestly, Nader brought up a good point in his speech: when is America going to stop voting for the lesser of two evils? That's the exact phrase my dad used when he told me why he's voting McCain. It's not really your opinion if you don't vote for somebody simply because you don't think they'll win. You don't root for a team because you think they'll win.